We as children of God have an amazing covenant with Him.
The covenant we have is our protection, our provision, our everything.
We are redeemed from the curse, we are covenant redeemed, we are free from sin, fear, worry, confusion, terror, and oppression. Love covers all.
We are always protected even in the event of failure or breakdown. As sisters in the Lord we are here for one another to encourage one another, to help one another, to pray for one another, to lift one another up, to serve in the church family. What a wonderful covenant we have with our Heavenly Father.

Ladies Nights
We meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month for fellowship, food, and growing in Jesus.
all details are on our covenant sister’s page on Facebook.

for all the ladies in the triumphant Life Center we have a private page for all of us ladies to share testimonies and prayer requests as well as fun things and information coming up at the church for the ladies, please feel free to share things on the page.